Please, add an option to save the progress!
People may pivot against this "repetitive loop" However they did a lot of other side hustles to keep you hooked, indeed it is purely stratagy and it somewhat increases, not much. Good time killer here and there, hopefully one day they will update the update the create feature so it is more user controlled. The UI is interesting, could use work.
Awesome game. I love karisoft games.
Good game but way too simplified compared to the other Kairosoft games
If you enjoyed game dev story, this game is just as good. If you are struggling matching themes there are good guides on on the wiki page.
Fun and entertaining trying to max out all the combinations
I really like this game. but getting all the trophies can be very challenging
totally worth it
I need to create a new chapter but i have no pp points, it also does not give a day of rest between creating chapters so energy is always low and pp points are used. As such you cant continue. Would also like a tab to be able to buy the assistants as i missed the chance for the first one due to not moving.